Neoclassical Formations and Latinate Affixation in the 18th Century English

978-83-8180-229-1/Grzegorz Wlaźlak/2020/322
8,00 £
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The dissertation makes a significant contribution to the development of this poorly developed field of linguistic study, which is historical morphology, and in particular the morphological system of the English language in the eighteenth century, contrasted with the earlier morphological system. The author analyzes extensive linguistic material, which possibly is still in a state of a certain disorder that accompanies any major linguistic reshuffles. The author puts forward an interesting thesis that the system of neoclassical formations at this stage of the English language development was an important element for the preservation of the older morphology based on the root or stem, as opposed to the newer system based on the lexeme. He supports this thesis with a broad, well-analyzed material based on the text corpora and dictionaries.

978-83-8180-229-1/Grzegorz Wlaźlak/2020/322

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